Setup a basic solution with a project

Setup a basic solution with a project

Getting Ready

I assume you have VSCode && .Net installed by now. Open VSCode in the directoy of your choice. The directoy you choose is our Solution directory which will contain all our projects.

Your Explorer in VSCode should look like this:
Empty VSCode Explorer

In VSCode use

Ctrl + Shift + P

and type

Create new Integrated Terminal

till you can select that option. if you click on it a new terminal will open within VSCode.Toggle terminal
In my case the git bash on windows is opened see clean && empty terminal

Create a Solution

Let’s first create a empty solution:
In my case i choose “/d/Projects/Game” as directory for my solution. Check that the newly opened terminal uses the directoy you chose as solution directory. if not change the path with help of the command:

cd <path to you solution dir>

After checking and perhaps adjusting the directory type the following command to create new solution:

dotnet new sln 

Your Explorer in VSCode should look like this afterwards
Explorer containing only a solution file

The directory’s name is the name of your solution.

Create a Project

If done successully create a console application with the following command:

dotnet new console -n "App" 

This creates new console based application and should result in the follwing output in the Explorer
Explorer containing project

When done you need to add the newly created project to your solution. this is done via the following command:

dotnet sln add App/App.csproj

Build the Solution && Run the project

After that you can use

dotnet build #builds all projects which where added to the solution
dotnet run --project App/App.csproj # just as you might guessed it, it runs our console application

to test your work. if everything works you should see a HelloWorld on your terminal:


With the five dotnet instruction we have created a simple Hello World solution. which is the starting point of our PluginSystem development.

dotnet new sln # Creates a new solution with the containing foldername as solution name
dotnet new console -n "App" # creates a new csproj with name App in the sub-dir "App"
dotnet sln add App/App.csproj # adds csproj to solution
dotnet build #builds all projects which where added to the solution
dotnet run --project App/App.csproj # just as you might guessed it, it runs our console application

External Resources


Johannes Lüke

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